Saturday, August 31, 2013

Jaxon's 2nd Movie

We have taken Jaxon to see 2 movies.  Last month we went to see Despicable Me 2.  It was his 1st movie experience so we really didn't know what to expect.  Overall he did really well.  Today we went to see Planes.  He did good for the first part of the movie.  The planes flying right at the screen made him laugh so hard.  He did like Despicable Me 2 better I think.  Part way through the movie today he began banging on stuff (typical sensory seeker stuff), asking for ice cream and saying bye bye.  Bye Bye means he's done and ready to leave.

We go to special Sensory Films put on by AMC theaters.  These are offered once a month always on Saturday morning at 10 am.  They are for children with sensory issues and their families.  Talk about a true blessing.  We went to the 1st movie knowing no matter how Jaxon did no one was going to judge or get upset.  All the kids talk, move around, play and get bored.  The theater will turn down the volume based on what the crowd wants, you can bring your own snacks based on your child's needs,  the lights are not quite as dim, and kids can just be themselves.  It also takes the pressure off parents for their child to behave and be quiet.  As I said before Jaxon got distracted.  BUT no one cares, other kids are talking and doing their own thing also.  We still try to teach Jax throughout the time, he needs to sit down and be quiet.  He usually needs a lot of direction about this but I think the more we expose him the more progress he will make.

These movies are only shown in AMC theaters and the closest one is in Olathe, KS.  For us the drive is worth it.

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