Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas at the Vandevord House

We had a wonderful Christmas, so much to be thankful for.  Hope everyone had a great holiday.  It was really nice to be able to take Jaxon out to see everyone this year.  I think we saw all the grandparents and great-grandparents this year.  Jaxon received so many toys I think we need to add a room onto the house to put them all in!!  He loves them all though, he just looks around like what to do 1st.  It's so much fun to watch him and Jason play on the floor with his toys.  You can almost see Jaxon's little mind just turning when Jason teaches him how to operate parts of the toys.

On our wonderful 70 degree day yesterday we took Jaxon for his 1st tractor ride around the farm.  He had a good time.  He just smiled as the wind blew his hair.  He also watched Brian and Uncle Nathan take out the Zombies.  You should have seen him watch that video game in awe, it was funny.  He didnt' have a clue what was going on but the sound and movement was entertaining.

I'm working on this New Years Eve, and on my way in I stopped to buy a lottery ticket for the Mega Millions.  My dad was telling me I better buy a ticket the jackpot is something like $247 million.  Well anyway to make a long story short the lady wouldn't sell it to me because I looked to young and my ID was in the car.  Mind you, you only have to be 18 to buy lottery in KS.  As you all know it's cold out and I was in a little hurry so I didn't have to time go back out.  I told her " I'm 30 but thanks for making my day anyway" :)  Looking back on the year and the joys and tears we have gone through and to think I don't even look 18.  Well I know better but it was a good laugh anyway.  However I did just buy my ticket at another store and I'll let everyone know if I win!!

I wanted to share a pleasant surprise to me today.  I met the wife and children of a man I work with today.  They have a little boy who just turned 6 yesterday.  He is the most polite and handsome little man.  He was born with down-syndrome.  You wouldn't know it other than the obvious signs.  It was great to talk with her.  She shared her story with Trenton.  Much of the same things we go through just some in a little different light.  She told the hours they put in with physical, occupational and speech therapy.  I got to see the results of it and it really gave me inspiration with Jaxon.  I know Jaxon is doing well but sometimes you just wonder if you are doing enough and if your efforts are going to pay off.  She said her son didn't walk until he was
2 1/2 and now you wouldn't have a clue.  He chases his sister around the office just like little brothers do.  It was a nice addition to my day.

We have a busy week ahead, but in a good way.  We are doing his last set of pictures on Thursday to finish up his 1st year pictures.  We didn't quite get them done the way normal people do, but what's the fun in normal.  I'm anticipating Jaxon's cleft appointment on Friday.  I'm hoping we will get some real answers and maybe a plan of action.

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