Saturday, January 10, 2015

Potty Training Again

I haven't done a post in a really really long time.  So I'm really doing this one for myself so I can keep track of this information.

Jax is still not potty training AT ALL.  He just simply is not ready.  I hope over the summer he will be ready.  He has been showing some major developmental milestones in the last couple months.  Taking him off one of his seizure medications seems to have helped with his speech tremendously.  Also having him on a feeding pump is another challenge in potty training because it's really hard to give him fluids and expect him to understand when to go potty.

Below is something I pulled from an article.  And honestly it sounds about right.  However, Jax isn't doing any of these things.  He is starting to want some alone time.  But he could really care less if he's dirty or wet.  And he does exactly what the last bullet says.  He can sit on the potty for 30 min stand up and pee on the floor.  Sooooo we will wait a little longer.  I guess until he can at least meet a few more of these

When will I know my child is ready to potty train?
Your child will show you tell-tale signs that they are ready. Here are some things to look for:

- Your child will tell you when their diaper is dirty.
- Your child will tell you right before or while they are going that they are going.
- Their diaper stays dry for about two hours at a time during the day.
- Bowel movements come at regular times.
- Your child will typically stay dry through the night.
- Your child may show an interest in the toilet and an interest in underpants.
- Your child may take off wet diapers themselves because they're uncomfortable.
- You may notice your child making a face before peeing or pooping.
- You may also notice that your child is more independent, wants to do things for themselves or do them their own way, and probably enjoys some alone time.
- Your child is not ready to potty train if they are resistant or afraid of the toilet, have a bowel movement or urinate right after you've had them sit on the potty, or wet their diaper in less than two hour intervals

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