Saturday, November 16, 2013

Week 4 Feeding Study

This week was pretty low key.  The overnight feedings are going really well.  No major spills.  As for the daytime eating by mouth.  Well I can't say he is eating more per setting but he is eating more times a day than he was.  The variety is still the same chips, pudding, yogurt, crackers and tiny sips of chocolate milk.  He will get a appetite enhancer during week 10 of the study.  We are hoping this will make him wanna eat more and try some new things.

The study:  When we arrived the nurse took his height, weight, blood pressure, EKG, and blood work.  After this was all done the doctor arrived and prescribed a larger dose of the study medication.  And that was it.  The next three weeks we speak with the dietitian over the phone from home.  Yipeee we get a little break.  It can be a bit much going to Kansas City twice in one day.

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