Friday, September 16, 2011

Discovery Center

On Tuesday Michelle and I took Jaxon and my niece Brynna to the Discovery Center in Gage Park.  It was a blast.  This was Jaxon's 2nd time.  The 1st was not a good experience, it was packed with kids running and screaming everywhere.  He was just overwhelmed as well as scared to play.  This time school is in and there were about 5 kids including our 2.  He took his time warming up to each new area in the center but once he decided it was safe he really opened up and began playing.


Jaxon has never done well with paint.  I don't know if it's the smell or just the slimy feeling on his hands but usually he starts gagging.  Well this time he couldn't let Brynna show him up.  He had paint on his hands, glasses, and in his hair.  He was loving it.  I tried to take the brush away because he was slinging paint everywhere and he threw a fit.

Look How Big I am

Drivin the Tractor

Medical update:  Jaxon had another seizure about 2 weeks ago.  This time I just called an ambulance.  I didn't like that driving him to the hospital myself, it was scary.  So after they got it stopped and another MRI we were discharged.  We have a follow up appointment with his neurologist in 2 weeks to discuss treatment options at home.  I'm really hoping we can get medication at home to stop them.  I will sleep better at night.  And then in October we meet with a new Neuro-surgeon.  Our previous one left Kansas.  Right now we have no real idea why he has seizures.

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