Thursday, January 5, 2017

2016 In Review

2016 with the Vandevord Boys

It's been a long time since I've done this blog thing.  I'm not even sure I will continue after this post but it's always a good way for me to save and reflect on things I want to remember.  It's also amazing to see how much each of them has grown in 1 year.  I really really wanna do the 365 day project this year.  I've started off a little rocky but will try to get it in gear and post on here.

My explorer

Momma's Target shopping buddy!!

Jaxon celebrates his 1/2 birthday at school in January.  This give summer birthday kids a chance to share treats with their friends.

Our blue eye little boy

I admit I hated this hair cut.  Its the only one he's ever had.

Music class!!  This has always been a favorite activity

Young Athletes Special Olympics.  Jaxon has really grown while doing this programs.

Finley has such a big personality.  He is so carefree!!

Our Picky eater.  He is still 99% g-tube fed.
Tractor riding is always a favorite for Jaxon.  He loves spending time on the farm.

Finley is at the climber stage of his life.
Luke Bryan concert was a huge hit.  

Sitting in his own seat at the Luke Bryan concert like a big boy!!

Loving the beautiful weather and exploring at Lake Shawnee

Happy Happy Boy
These two have a special bond even I can't explain.  But as their Momma I'm so proud of them.

Finley was finally starting to enjoy swim lessons here!!

Mommy's little fishy

In June Jason and I went on a trip to Alaska kid free.  It was one of our best vacations!!
Jaxon loves all things water.  He swam in the pool nearly everyday during the summer break.

Collins Park parade is always a big hit.  The boys love it!!

And more water......

Jaxon has been riding horses.  It's a type of therapy called hypotherapy.  He has a love/hate relationship with it.

Our Little Wildcat!!


Jaxon and one of his favorite Nurses (Lisa)

He just looks so big riding Maggie his horse

We went to a sunflower farm in Lawrence for the 1st time.  It was a blast.

He was smelling the sunflowers and got pollen on his nose :)


Buddies for Life.  I can't exactly explain their bond.  It's just something God is in control of.

This little boy loves to tag along with Daddy on the farm.

A Little Pumpkin Patch Fun.  The corn pit never fails us.
Halloween costumes.  Finn really got into it this year!!

He loves to hand me the phone and tell me "take a picture"  He loves to see the results.  He is one very special boy.

An unusually warm day in November.  He learned to blow bubble all by himself.


We all fit int he tractor!!

This is our wild and crazy boy.  He thinks pants are optional

One of my favorite pictures ever of these two.  It was a wonderful Christmas 2016.