Thursday, May 23, 2013

Last Day of Preschool

Today was Jaxon's last day of preschool.  I made him ride the bus because I new the fight I would be in for if I took him to his class.  His teacher had asked the kids with summer birthdays to bring treats today.  So I made Dirt and Worms.  Jaxon's cup is minus the dirt of course.

When Jaxon was screened for preschool he couldn't walk at all. He was unable to communicate anything.  His teacher admitted after reading his file she thought to herself "can I do this"  He fell asleep about 3/4 the way through the 3 hour class.  Then she met Jaxon.  Today he can walk to the bus, walk to class, walk and play on the playground.  He stays awake all through class.  He has over 80 words in his vocabulary.  He knows and recognizes all his letters, numbers and shapes.  And his teacher forgets he is any different than the other kids and they are all 2 years older than Jax.

It was a little bittersweet.  It will be nice to not have to get up super early in the mornings but I will also miss getting a little time to myself every week.  The year started off a little rocky with Jaxon hating the bus ride, and scaring teachers with lots of things such as falling down or hitting his head.  But as the year wore on they became more accustomed to his normal behavior and I got less and less phone calls and notes.  His main teacher Mrs. Moody is leaving.  We are really going to miss her.  It was so great for all of us to have such a great experience for Jaxon's 1st year.  With IEP's and all that goes along with sending a special needs child to school it can be a little overwhelming.  But when you know your child loves his teacher and that they will take good care of him you don't have nearly as much to worry about.  Honestly that's the truth.  I just knew everyday he would be fine.  He might drive her nuts following her around or clinging to her but he would be ok!!  I mean look at this kid is he spoiled or what. 

 He also had several para's he felt really close to.  Jaxon didn't realize today was his last day for the year but when I told him to give Mrs Anna a hug, he gave her a BIG hug.  He really liked her.  She has a calm way about her and he seems to really respond well to her.  I'm excited she will be working with him next year also.  We don't know who his teacher will be yet but I hope to meet her?? before school starts.

Next year will be all new students and a new teacher so he will have some adjusting to do.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Jaxon's 1st Amtryke Tricycle

Jaxon has been talking about " A Bicycle for months"  He's seen it on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Road Runner Rally and of course several other places kids his age see bikes.  He is so fascinated by bikes and he just talks about them all the time.  So I started researching how to get him his own bike.  Jaxon can't just ride a regular tricycle. They don't provide the support he needs with his balance issues and he doesn't have the strength in his legs to pedal.

So online I found several types of bikes but without knowing more about them I had no idea which one to choose.  So his occupational therapist at Easter Seal Capper Foundation got one of their bikes out at his appointment and we tried it out.  As soon as she brought it in the room he started saying "A bicycle"  "A bicycle"  with a huge grin on his face.  We got him on the bike and he wasn't so sure about having his feet strapped in but it is necessary to keep his feet on the pedals.  As we rode the halls he became more comfortable and began shouting Ready Set GO!!

Here is his 1st ride.  Wilma had to give him small pushes.  As you can see in the picture the handles turn so he uses his hands to help it move also.

This particular bike is called Amtryke and is made in Germany.  It has foot pedals with straps, hand pedals so he can assist his feet to make it move and a seat belt.  Also there is a handle on the back for Jason and I to give him a little push and steer him.

It is a very expensive tricycle so we asked all the grandparents for money early for Jaxon's birthday and they all agreed to pitch in and it just arrived yesterday.  He is a very lucky little boy to have to such a great family.  He was so excited when it arrived.  He kept trying to sit on my lap and move the wheels and handles while I was trying to put it together.  And he kept saying "Fix it"  "I Fix It"
I was so excited when I saw this big box on our front porch!!

1st ride at home.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Latest MRI

Jaxon had an MRI on Wednesday.  It was a short 5 minute one.  I swear it was actually like 3 minutes, but they got what they needed.

Here are a couple pictures.

This 1st one is from September 2011.  All the white is fluid build up.  The fluid is pushing the brain to the outside against the skull.

This 2nd picture is from May 1, 2013.  This is 6 months after the shunt was placed.  The fluid level has gone WAY down.  Even the neurosurgeon was very impressed.  He told me "It would have been easy to give up but we persevered"  He said this a couple times.  And he really encouraged me to show these pictures to Jaxon's neurologist.

We don't have to go back for a full year unless we have problems with the shunt.  This is the best news we've had in awhile.  Jaxon is really starting to progress all around.  The neurosurgeon was also impressed with all the words Jaxon was saying and how well he got around the room unassisted.

What a wonderful Day!!