It has been a long time since I've written. We have been very busy. Last week we had our March of Dimes Walk. We had our own team for the 1st year Jaxon's Crew. I would like to thank everyone who participated. It really meant a lot to us to see everyones support for such a great cause. As a family we have spent the last few months doing talks at corporate businesses, tv and radio interviews to promote the March of Dimes. It has been a great feeling knowing we are giving back to something that has done so much for us. Even though many people never see the outcome or result of their hard work raising money, I can say I do. I meet with families that have little ones in the NICU once a month for a dinner and they always tell me how much it means to them to be able to talk with other parents and parents of a Graduate. It really gives them hope. I met with a mother who's child wasn't real critical but it still wasn't in her plans to have to leave her baby boy every night for several weeks after he was born. After encouraging her to use some of the resources available to her she actually told me when were leaving the dinner, she would sleep better at night knowing she could call and check on him anytime 24/7 and she wasn't bothering anyone. The program also provide classes for siblings to learn about their baby brother or sister and so much more. This is just a small example of what you've done for a family and I would like to thank you all.
Jaxon has been getting ornery by the minute. I really think even though he is delayed in many things the terrible two's is not one of them.
I didn't check to see where I left off last time so some may be a repeat. Jaxon is now pulling himself up on everything. Last night he got himself into the tub. All I could hear was babbling and a few mama's. From the sound of it he fell in but wasn't bothered at all. He was just playing with his bath toys when I found him.
We started see a speech pathologist about a month ago at KU med. I'll tell you her program is tough to do. Jaxon hates eating the foods she pushes and he frequently vomits. I know I was given this little boy for a reason. The therapist said to me "boy you stayed really calm through all that" (vomiting after each bite). She told me you'll do fine with his therapy. You have it in you!! Easier said than done let me tell you. He is getting a little better I think. The last week or so he doesn't throw up after every bite of something he doesn't like. Which is all but about 3 types of stage 1 baby food. It's a long slow road.
Last week Jason and I were on vacation, so we took a short trip to the Omaha Zoo. Jaxon really liked some of the exhibits. Some of them were to far away and with his vision he was unable to pick out the animals in the background, especially if they weren't moving. However the penguin exhibit was a hit. He was able to get right up to the glass and see them swimming underwater. They were just showing off. He was just grinning from ear to ear, babbling and hitting the glass. He also like the aquarium's since the fish are so close up. We gave him his 1st ice cream cone. Lets just say this boy has a sweet tooth. He loved it. Ice cream just running down his chin and he was begging for more. Its great to see him eat anything, but we know he can't live on ice cream no matter how much he would love it.
We met with his eye doctor yesterday and she said he was doing really well with his new lenses. She upped his script about 6 weeks ago and she changed it a lot. His lenses are starting to get really thick. He does seem to see things farther away and doesn't move his head from side to side nearly as much.
June 6th is the big day for yet another surgery. Jaxon saw his urologist a month ago and I was really hoping he would say he didn't need to see us for another 6 months but that wasn't the case. Jaxon needs another repair of his hypospadius and he has a hernia that needs repaired. The hernia is related to prematurity and for now he is only going to repair one side and watch the other as he grows. We knew there was a good chance he may need another repair but we were hoping it was when he was older. Lets just hope this is it.
As for the good news. Jaxon is really making strides in his development. He is still really delayed and I have to get my butt in gear and get him into some speech therapy (one day at a time) but he is a very happy little boy. He is at the stage now where he is very aware when mom and dad leave the room or are going to leave without him. Hope it goes away soon. I feel terrible when he looks at me with those big blue eyes tears just rolling. He has begun throwing fits when he doesn't get his way. Shaking his whole body and yelling at us. Today he threw his 1st fit in a store over a toy. I was buying a toy for a friends son's birthday party and when I took it away from Jaxon he was not a happy camper.
Well that's all for now.